Assalamualaikum wbt ^_^

"...ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingati Allah hati menjadi tenteram." (13:28)

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Psychiatry dari Sudut Pandangku

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim...
Assalamualaikum wrt..
Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah....selawat ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad saw..

Hari ini adalah hari exam psychiatry. Sedikit ujian buat aku dan groupku kerana cycle exam kami berderetan dengan exam semester. Walaubagaimanapun, alhamdulillah, semua orang lepas dengan jayanya tadi ^___^

Belajar psychiatry dan cuba untuk menghadamnya dalam masa 7 hari bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah bagi aku. Menarik signs dan symptomsnya, penyakit2 yang berkaitan dan sebagainya. Namun, hambatan waktu menjadikan aku sedikit gelabah. Ok, tak sedikit, banyak. 

Banyak rasanya yang menyentuh hati aku tatkala belajar tentang psychiatry ini. Jika diambil dari kekerapan berlakunya kes gila (baca: schizophrenia), personality disorder, mood disorder, substance abuse (baca: drug abuse, alcohol abuse) dan penyakit psychiatry dalam kalangan warga tua, aku istighfar sendiri. Masya-Allah, rupanya banyak kes-kes ini yang berlaku saban hari dalam kalangan kita. Bahkan, faktor penyebabnya juga kadang tidak diketahui kenapa. Iya, pasti ada teori-teori tentang faktor genetik dsbnya, namun semuanya adalah di luar kawalan kita.

Rasa sangat terharu sekaligus bersyukur kerana jika kita hari ini masih waras, masih berupaya membezakan yang baik atau yang buruk, itu adalah merupakan lindungan daripada Allah. Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah..

Sebenarnya, Allah dah bagi solution kepada kita, cara-cara untuk mengelakkan masalah psychiatry ni. Iyalah, mengikut logik akal aku yang limited ini pastinya. Timbul juga minat dalam diriku untuk mengetahui pandangan islamic scholar tentang masalah psychiatry ini. Anyway, belajar psychiatry untuk jangka masa yang pendek dan gopoh -gapah ini meningkatkan, menguatkan keyakinan aku bahkan menyebabkan  izzah aku dengan Islam naik mendadak lagi. Kenapa ye?

Ok, kita lihat contoh yang ada.

Tatkala aku soroti tentang permasalahan depresi aka kemurungan (baca:depression), aku rasakan bahawa orang yang benar-benar beriman dengan qada' dan qadar Allah takkan alami masalah sebegitu. Orang yang depresi ni dia rasa hilang motivasi, tiada semangat untuk kerja, tak tahu kenapa rasa sedih saja, rasa macam diri tak berharga (baca: worthless), rasa nak bunuh diri sebab rasa hidup tak boleh bagi dia apa-apa dah... 

Haa, kalau kita muslim cemana? We are in the opposite side from depression people. We have the BIGGEST motivation that should make us feel really happy to live, at the same time, miss the hereafter because only in hereafter to be specifically,in Jannah (insyaAllah, Allah will grant us Jannah. May He made our paths toward it easier and bearable for us :) ) we can have all the best rewards for all our good deeds in this world. We are motivated to live because Allah gave us the purpose to live. Our main purposes are to:

1) be an abid (to worship Allah). Allah mention this specifically in our glorious al-Quran in chapter 51 verse 56 which means "(56. And I created not the Jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me.)" Thus, everything that we do, in terms of worshipping Allah, we are actually fulfilling our purpose. Mind you that doing ibadah (read: whorshipping Allah) not only on solah (read: praying), fasting in month of Ramadhan, paying zakat, or going to do Hajj but it involves everything that we do by the name of Allah. How? It's our second purpose would explain how everything that we do, EVERYTHING, will be regarded as ibadah. 

2) be a khalifah on this earth. it is said in al-Quran in surah baqarah verse 30 meaning
 "(30. And (remember) when your Lord said to the angels: "Verily, I am going to place (mankind) generations after generations on earth.'' They said: "Will You place therein those who will make mischief therein and shed blood, ـ while we glorify You with praises and thanks and sanctify You.'' He (Allah) said: "I know that which you do not know.'')" In this translation, the word used to refer to khalifah is mankind. In Quran, the arabic word used is khalifah. which means leader. Now, if we go through the duty of a leader is to govern the nation, make sure that everything is in order, using correct law to preserve the peace and in short, making life easier, happier to the people. Now, coming to the question how everything that we do will be regarded as ibadah is we are at least the leader to ourselves. I am the leader of myself, you are the leader of yourselves. In order to make sure we can be abid to Allah, we need food, we need shelter, we need to have income to pay zakat, we need to be healthy, we need all the facilities, be it from ourselves or society. Thus, by working, by eating, by sleeping, etc, we are doing ibadah because if we neglect it, we would not be able to do the main ibadah, solah etc...see my points? ok, that is on motivation we have to live ^_^

Coming to the next problem of depression people, they feel like they are worthless and it leads them to have idea of suicide (killing themselves). As a Muslim, i believe we believe that everyone's life is valuable. it is like a gift from Allah to you. We have to preserve it, we have to protect it, we should appreciate it. Everyone knows that taking away one's life is a sin. No chance, we will directly got a free ticket to hell fire if we did it nauzubillah... Why is it that Allah give such punishment to those who commit suicide? Because Allah loves us. He does not want us to give up hope from Him. Taking away our lives (nauzubillah..)simply means that we dont trust Allah to help us. Allah is The Greatest, The Most Powerful. If we have any problem, ask Him. He will surely help. Not in the way that we thought the best, but in the way that He knows is the best for us. 

I know this small explanation is not fair, not enough to give a clear view on what I thought but my time is limited. As a conclusion, be a steadfast muslim, learn more on Islam, practise everything that Allah command, be a better muslim day by day. It is the strongest rope that will keep you afloat in this big, deep ocean of life. 

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